Defeated Physical AbuseNAMASTE ALLDAYNovember 7, 2019abuse, childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, family, father, hurt, neice, pain, physical violence, save, sexual abuse, sisterComment
I Remember Physical Abuse, Sexual AssaultbluewritingSeptember 30, 2019#MeToo, abuse, adoption, childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, heal, pain, rape, recovery, remember, sexual assault, survivorComment
The Day You Changed Everything Sexual Assaultkeep_pushingSeptember 15, 2019brother, college, family, friends, karma, Me Too, pain, panic attack, rape, sexual assault, survivor, young girlComment
Why I Can't Let Go of My Self-Control Becoming HERNAMASTE ALLDAYAugust 21, 2019body, change, control, emotions, fear, gap, mental health, nothing, pain, sexual assault, space, survivor, thoughtsComment
Keeping My Strength Sexual AssaultsheismeAugust 20, 2019abuse, mental health, pain, self worth, sexual assault, strength, survivor, thriving, trauma, victimComment
Please Don't Judge Me Sexual AssaultNAMASTE ALLDAYAugust 14, 2019assualt, depression, judgement, love, pain, prejudice, scars, self love, self worth, sexual assault, survivorComment
Scrub Sexual AssaultbluewritingAugust 13, 2019fault, heavy, Memories, pain, poem, poetry, scrub, shower, stain, survivor, traumaComment
Time to Tame the Dragon Emotional AbuseNAMASTE ALLDAYAugust 7, 2019consequences, dragons, fight, fire, flames, Memories, pain, phoenix, poem, poetry, pride, survivorComment
Healing Emotional AbuseMarieJuly 23, 2019forgiveness, Happiness, heal, healing, healthy, Journey, mental health, pain, past, poem, poetry, strength, survivorComment
Pain Stains Sexual AssaultbluewritingJune 25, 2019pain, painting, poem, poetry, scars, survivor, wallsComment
Thank You for Asking Emotional Abuse, Heal, Physical AbuseNAMASTE ALLDAYMay 15, 2019abuse, boundaries, Childhood, dad, father, fault, heal, hurt, pain, thank you, unsafe Comment
Another Survivor Helped Me Through My Healing Journey Heal, Sexual AssaultNAMASTE ALLDAYFebruary 27, 2019battle, choice, heal, hurt, Instagram, mental health, pain, recovery, secret, self harm, SLAF, strong like a fighter, therapyComment
PRISMS Heal, Sexual AssaultDancingThroughTheDarkDecember 30, 2018faith, heal, healing, hurt, Journal, letter, pain, poem, prism, religionComment
I Can’t Be In My Own Skin: Living with Dissociation After Trauma Empower, Heal, Sexual AssaultLunaMayOctober 28, 2018abuse, body, disassociation, heal, mental health, pain, poem, poetry, self love, traumaComment
Finally, I Cry Heal, Sexual AssaultstronglikeafighterOctober 23, 2018abuse, coping, cry, emotions, empower, fear, girl, heal, hurt, kindness, numb, pain, rape, restore, self harmComment
Becoming Friends With My Body Sexual AssaultstronglikeafighterOctober 15, 2018abuse, body, female empowerment, girl, heal, hurt, pain, rape, relationships, restoreComment
The "Not" Rape Campus Assault, Heal, Sexual AssaultTheEditorOctober 10, 2016abuse, anxiety, beginning, birthday, college, fear, frat, fraternity, girl, heal, hurt, identity, manipulation, pain, rape, seniorComment