Time to Tame the Dragon


fire is all it had
leaving you inflamed instead
of ousting you another sunset

it's kissing you goodbyes, sweet dreams and happy nights
you're somehow thankful for your savior
you're only thinking of the fun rides, not the many fights

it did leave you want times with pain
those moments got lost, never found again
But those memories are still stored in your brain

let the cat
win the bet
that's all you said

let the dragon fly
without consequences for his terror
kissing it- as well, warm goodbye

save your pride for this night,
it has nowhere to hide,
tonight is the decisive fight

the dragon is the one who should be flamed
causing you to feel unworthy- NEVER!
the dragon should be named

how about Oscar, Matthew, or Felix?
Death, Relationship, or Sex?

It doesn't matter how you name it...
because after all, you're not a dragon
you're a rising phoenix.