The Aftermath: Healing Through Music Heal, Sexual AssaultPhoenixInTheAshesDecember 4, 2018abuse, band, empower, facebook, fear, happy, heal, high school, hurt, love, Music, relationships, restore, small townComment
I Was Stalked. And I Am Still Here to Tell My Story. StalkingHopeSeptember 16, 2018anxiety, children, family, father, fear, hurt, husband, military, murder, police, rape, school, small town, stalk, stalkerComment
Lifting the Weight—Telling My Boyfriend My Secret Sexual AssaultAPODEROSAApril 23, 2018anxiety, boyfriend, brother, Childhood, cycle of abuse, family, fear, heal, hurt, incest, love, rape, relationships, small town, supportComment
Leaving Your Abuser Isn't as Easy as it Sounds Emotional Abuse, Empower, Heal, Physical Abuse, RestoreHealingWordsNovember 9, 2017abuse, boyfriend, college, domestic violence, empower, fear, girl, heal, high school, hurt, love, manipulation, relationships, restore, small town, SummerComment
My Graduation Night Heal, Sexual AssaultTheGraduateApril 19, 2017boyfriend, college, fear, heal, high school, hurt, love, rape, relationships, restore, senior, small townComment
The Dance Heal, Sexual AssaultTheGraduateApril 14, 2017abuse, boyfriend, girl, heal, high school, love, rape, relationships, small town, storyComment
A Little Piece of Me Heal, Sexual AssaultTheGraduateApril 3, 2017beginning, friends, girl, high school, love, parents, rape, relationships, small town, Writing Comments
My Boyfriend Stalked Me to Keep Me Heal, StalkingnolongerabjectedJanuary 18, 2017abuse, beginning, boyfriend, empower, fear, friends, heal, hurt, love, manipulation, relationships, religion, restore, small town, stalkingComment
Girl Meets Devil Emotional Abuse, Heal, Physical Abuse, Sexual AssaultSloane0205December 16, 2016girl, heal, hurt, relationships, religion, small townComment
Strength in Submission Emotional Abuse, Empower, RestoreGirlAdriftDecember 9, 2016dominance, empower, relationships, restore, small town, submission, supportComment
With a Knife to Our Throats Empower, Heal, Restore, Sexual AssaultDefiningCourageNovember 30, 2016assault, catholic, Childhood, court, fear, girl, heal, hurt, justice system, restore, small townComment
I'm Becoming HER Emotional Abuse, Heal, RestoreEternalFlameNovember 21, 2016college, community, heal, hurt, love, parents, relationships, restore, small town, supportComment
Perfect Illusion Emotional Abuse, Empower, Heal, RestoreGirlAdriftNovember 13, 2016abuse, anxiety, boyfriend, college, empower, female empowerment, friends, heal, hurt, lady gaga, love, manipulation, military, Music, relationships, restore, small town, story, support, Writing Comments
Defining My Own Happiness Emotional Abuse, HealEternalFlameNovember 13, 2016abuse, anxiety, college, empower, fear, female empowerment, friends, heal, hurt, love, manipulation, parents, relationships, restore, small town, supportComment
When I was Eight Heal, Sexual AssaultOgichidaawiNovember 10, 2016abuse, Childhood, domestic violence, empower, fear, girl, hurt, manipulation, parents, rape, relationships, restore, small town, supportComment
Broken Emotional Abuse, HealEternalFlameNovember 6, 2016abuse, anxiety, beginning, church, college, community, empower, fear, friends, girl, heal, high school, hurt, manipulation, relationships, religion, restore, senior, sexuality, small town, support, support group, WritingComment
The Fighter Emotional Abuse, Heal, Sexual AssaultOgichidaawiNovember 3, 2016abuse, domestic violence, empower, family, girl, heal, hurt, love, manipulation, restore, small town, story, support, woman Comment
A Place Where No One Could Hear Me Scream Emotional Abuse, HealEternalFlameOctober 31, 2016abuse, anxiety, college, community, empower, fear, friends, heal, hurt, love, manipulation, parents, relationships, small town, story, support, Writing Comment
Back to December/ The Chase Emotional Abuse, HealGirlAdriftOctober 20, 2016abuse, anxiety, beginning, empower, fear, friends, heal, hurt, love, manipulation, relationships, restore, small town, Summer, support, woman, WritingComment
Still Battling Emotional Abuse, Heal, Physical AbuseSoteriaOctober 19, 2016abuse, anxiety, baby, beginning, community, divorce, domestic violence, fear, female empowerment, first love, girl, heal, hurt, love, manipulation, marriage, relationships, restore, small town, story, texting, womenComment