We Were Eight Sexual AssaultLostLotus89May 13, 2019children, family, friends, friendship, grandfather, sexual assault, therapist, trauma, trustComment
The Big Reveal — When a 5th Grader Goes to the Authorities Heal, Sexual AssaultLostLotus89June 19, 2018abuse, authorities, Childhood, court, elementary school, empower, family, father, friends, girl, grandfather, heal, hurt, love, mother, parents, relationships, restore, social workerComment
My Grandfather Sexual AssaultLostLotus89April 2, 2018Childhood, fear, girl, grandfather, heal, hurt, love, manipulation, parents, rape, storyComment
She Was In Kindergarten Sexual AssaultLostLotus89March 26, 2018abuse, Childhood, childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, elementary school, family, fear, grandfather, heal, hurt, love, manipulation, sexual assaultComment