We Are HER

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My Boyfriend Stalked Me to Keep Me

January is National Stalking Awareness Month. To learn more about stalking or if you know someone who may be a victim of stalking, please visit the Stalking Resource Center’s website.

I was a young divorcée, living on my own with a good paying job.

Some new friends wanted to set me up with him. After many tries, I reluctantly gave in.He was also a divorcée but with two children. He was nice enough, but we seemed like we were from different worlds. I was going to church and even though he said he did too, I didn’t believe him. There was something about him even if I couldn’t put my finger on what that was. We started dating because I didn’t think our mutual friends would introduce us if they didn’t think we would get along. Secretly, it felt good to be pursued by someone so good-looking who I thought shared the same values. Once I agreed to be his girlfriend, things started moving fast. After a month of dating, he already wanted me to move in with him. Then he wanted me to buy a new pickup truck with him. He wanted his children to call me mom. I couldn’t take it. I told him I was going to stay at my house. He begged and begged for me to change my mind. He even had his sons beg me. I stood my ground for the time being.

Several times, I awoke with him standing over me. That was enough. I felt creeped out being stalked like that. I started locking my doors. That didn't stop him.

At that time, I worked the night shift, so when I got home, I would shower and go to bed. It was normal for me not to lock my doors living in a small town. Several times, I awoke with him standing over me. That was enough. I felt creeped out being stalked like that. I started locking my doors. That didn't stop him. One day when I woke up, he was standing over me again. I freaked out and asked him how he got in. He said he climbed through my window. While he didn’t appear menacing, it hit me for the first time how needy he was. I should have taken my first real eye-opening clue and ran away as fast as I could, but I stayed.As much as I wanted to 'break up' with him by this time, I couldn’t. He had me figured out. He would call me crying, saying life wasn't worth living anymore. Stupid me. He pulled on my emotional heart-strings and he got what he wanted: me.