Breaking Out of My Silence


Were you ever afraid of telling people you were attacked and how they would react? I was. But then I started breaking out of my silence. However, there are still times when I'm nervous about telling someone and how they will react. Some people are very judgmental and critical and feel that anyone who has been abused or attacked is damaged.

Sometimes you have to become completely broken to know who you really are. This world has created false idles and false realities where you’re supposed to look a certain way or feel a certain way. What is normal anyhow? I feel that when I was broken, I could really see everything in my life as it truly was. Was I really broken or was it the push I needed into consciousness? Maybe my doors to perception were finally cleansed and I was able to see things for how they truly are. Honestly, I would much rather be who I am right now than who I was before. I was like everyone else living in a false reality and easily susceptible to the media and the government and people's opinions. Caring about what others thought and trying to live up to everyone's expectations. But in doing that I was not happy. I made everyone else happy and I forgot my own happiness. You may not see it now if you’re in the early stages of healing, but you will become a much stronger version of yourself and you will never tolerate anyone's crap ever again not even for a moment. You will feel so much better when you listen to your intuition and start making yourself happy.

Healing is a process;there will be days when you may start to have old feelings creep up. You maysay, ‘well what will this new person say if they find out I was attacked?’ Ifthey are a true person who cares, they will get to know you, but if they aresuperficial and only looking for one thing, then you will know. Have faith andhave patience with yourself.