How Nature Helped Me Find Myself


Right now, I'm laying in bed looking up at a log cabin ceiling. It's early. The sun isn't up, and my love is gently breathing next to me. Life is vastly different from the last poem I wrote for HER. 

I find that the anxious consuming thoughts aren't as frequent. The self-hate is slowly being replaced with contentedness and sometimes even self-love. People call this healing. In a sense, I get what they are saying, but in truth, I'm findingmyself. 

I first went backpacking with my love and his brother back in the summer of 2018. That trip was life-changing. It was the first time I ever felt free. There was nothing I had to get done, no one I had to please, no deadlines, no "noise." Just two men I love, the peacefulness of the forest, and the views from the cliffs (Manistee River Trail if anyone was wondering).

I ended up getting injured on that trip, which left the men scrabbling back to the trailhead to figure out a way to get me out of the middle of the trail. Hence, I was alone for most of the day at site 2C.

I cannot express to you the beauty of 2C. The sun was filtering through the trees, the sounds of the creek, birds, animals, and insects created a song that filled my soul withpeace. 

It was the first time I ever sat with myself; I walked away changed. 

Since then, we as The Trio have gone on more adventures, each time I've had the opportunity to sit with myself. To listen, learn and grow. Some of it has been painful, while the rest has been either peace or joy-filled. Each time I've walked away knowing myself better.

I have come to needand crave these adventures because they are essential to my soul. 

This fall due to anumber of stressful reasons The Trio was not able to get lost in a new wood. Mytribe knew that. They saw my need to be free, to connect with God, nature, andmyself and they acted. They booked my love and I a weekend retreat in themiddle of the woods where we could just be. 

So here I lay in anadorable little cabin, next to the love of my life, surrounded by trees and I'mat peace. 

My friends, find yourplace that you can get away to. The place where you can sit and be. The placewhere you can range up space and find your truth.

Find your tribe.People that believe, love and support you. Allow yourself to be loved, not onlyby others but by yourself. You be amazed at how wonderful, bold and courageousyou truly are.

All my Love,