

I could choose to focus on all of the negative experiences I've been through with my abuser: the unknown herpes, his alcohol and steroid addiction, his cheating, the physical abuse, the threats of suicide, that screwdriver held to my neck. The toxic list goes on, but that is exactly what those memories are — toxic.Instead, I choose to focus on the positive side of things. I choose to focus on the 'me':  self-healing, the strength and knowledge I've gained, the ability to find a better version of the person I was before I met him. My happiness and sense of peace brings that unto those I surround myself with — my "tribe" as I like to call them. Knowing that my positive energy flows outwardly to those I love makes me shine even brighter.

Knowing that my positive energy flows outwardly to those I love makes me shine even brighter.

When I look around now, all I see and feel is love, happiness, intelligence, strength, humor, humility, support, and pride. I am surrounded by pure beauty. This is how it is supposed to be. Perhaps this is why I had to travel down a less fortunate path...to be here, now.I know I will have to continue facing my fears as triggers creep up throughout the healing process, but I also know I can place myself in the arena, and I know I will win the battle.