Paper Bed
This one is for all those out there who
lay there
This one is for those who
were examined
like specimen
fighting the impulse to run
This is for those who
waited too long
avoided the inevitable
in shock
This is for those who
were asked if they were sexually assaulted
while being slut-shamed
This is for all those who out there
stared at the ceiling
feared that lobby
floated through the hallways
contracted to preying metal
This one is for all those who out there
fought the screams
the laughs
the cries
at those pamphlets
at all the non-safe places
This is for all those out there
who held it until their car
or the hallway
then collapsed to the floor
This is for all those out there
who went to work
who got empty flowers
who hid their pain
This is for all those out there
who said nothing
who told no one
who still hold it in their souls
This one is for all those out there
who still fear it
those visits
their reactions
trying to move on
This one is for all those out there
who were told
they should have been referred
to social work
to someone
This is for all those
whose families didn't get it
until this piece was told
who heard
I wish I was there
But they weren't
This is for all the ones
for whom it was just you
legs wide open
lights overhead glaring
This is for all those
who lay there
like too many before
like too many after
This one is for all those out there
who lay there
alone on that paper bed.