October 15th


October 15th.

A date without importance to those around me. A date where they may have gotten groceries, said grace, or spent time with friends (like me).October 15th, a night I’ll never forget, one that clouds my mind every year and everytime I see my beautiful child’s face.Who knew a few drinks, relaxing in a hot tub, and celebrating Halloween Wisconsin-style would lead into my ex-boyfriend taking advantage of my inability to say no. Using the excuse that he has “multiple personalities” and that he didn’t mean it. That he truly and madly loves me.When a month later, I began violently throwing up after eating at Thanksgiving with my family. October 15th, I became pregnant. A few days later, I dropped out of the university I adored going to. October 15th, ruined my career.October 15th branded into my memory.But now, I see my oldest child and see that October 15th can be healing.It brought me my son, who makes me laugh when he jokes around.It gave me the strength to stand up to those who harm me.It gave me fire that I want to spread, helping those who struggle with their own date.October 15th, a good day to keep fighting.