My Body Is Mine Now


I’ve been abused for a long time but last year the abuse stopped.

Since then I’m a different person. Mentally and physically. I want to tell you something about the physical part of this transformation: for the first time in my life, I see my body as my body and nobody else’s. I figured out that I’m the one who is deciding how my body looks and what it does. Abusers took my body and played with it. It’s awful and disgusting but it’s true. But this year, I took my body back. It’s mine now. I feel invincible writing this. Life can be beautiful sometimes. “It’s my body” and that phrase gives me strength.

I feel invincible writing this.

This year my appearance changed a lot. I look different now. I gained some weight, I have longer hair, I got tattoos on my body, my scars have faded a little bit, I have an eyebrow piercing and a nose piercing. I’m feeling so much better now. I’m starting to like my body. It’s starting to feel like home. I’m not telling you to change yourself. I’m not telling you that physical appearance is the most important thing. But it did help me a lot! I changed some things and somehow it made me feel like I’m stronger than my past. I’m starting to like the way my body looks. I’m so proud of my tattoos and piercings because I was the one who decided to get them. It was my decision. I’m proud that my scars are healing. I’m so proud.