Let’s Talk About PTSD


I suffer from severe PTSD since I’ve been abused.

It traumatized me and it’s still hunting me. I’m doing trauma therapy now to recover from it all. The therapy is hard and sometimes it knocks me down. But recovery is not about being knocked down. It’s about standing up. It takes a lot of courage to recover from PTSD. You have to look your biggest fear in the eye and say “I’m not afraid of you.” You have to relive your nightmares. You have to think about what happened even if it makes you throw up. But it will give you freedom. It will give you strength, power, and so much more.

Recovery is not about being knocked down. It’s about standing up.

Having PTSD sucks. And talking about your traumas is necessary if you ask me. You don’t have to do it alone. Ask for help and reach out. You are not alone. Talking about my traumas is making me less afraid of it all. It makes me stronger. One day I will realize that my traumas are just memories. Nothing more and nothing less. My traumas are memories and memories are not dangerous. They are just some pages of my book. They are just images and flashbacks. They cannot hurt me anymore.