I Wrote a Letter to My Younger Self


Dear little Kenza,

I wish I could go back in time to talk to you. Because I have so much to say and I know you still exist inside of me. You were just a child, and you will always be my child. I know what you’re going through. I’ve seen it all: the pain, the hurt, the tears. You wanted to talk but you were afraid nobody would listen. Darling, let me tell you this. You’re special, you’re worthy and your voice does matter. You have got to get up, reach out and speak up a bit louder, use your voice. Because YOU have things to say. YOU are important.I know some men tried to take you down. But strong as you are, you fought back. And after every fall, you stood up. I’m so proud of you little fighter. Be proud of who you are. You’re a wonderful human being, you’re important to me. And I’m sorry I let you down a thousand times. But I’m older and stronger now. I will protect you. You will always be my child. Little Kenza, trust me. I neglected you because I thought I hated you. Not because you did something wrong but because I believed that your/our existence was a bad thing. But I was wrong. We do have a purpose. We’re here to inspire the world. Little Kenza and the person I am today. You and me together.