

Is this fear really yours?


Did you ever wonder where the fears we have come from? We automatically assume that it  is ours. However when we come into this world we have no fears. But somewhere along the ways we pick them up. Did you ever think back to when the fears started? Sometimes we assume that our recent experience of trauma is the cause. But in my experience it is not, it just amplified it. When I think back I think of people saying to my kids, “oh I don't want to overlook her.” Which is a weird superstition. Or people watching the news saying well this girl just died from jogging etc. Everyday we are overloaded with news or media involving death etc. Not to mention friends and family members. Some people have no idea just how much fear they really have until something traumatic happens. Some people are just so used to their fear based consciousness, that it becomes a daily part of life. 


When I was younger, my uncle died in a car accident. My mom had this fear of me going in cars with strangers. She was afraid something would happen to me. I am not blaming her by any means. Death and tragedies are hard. I remember I was so consumed with all these things that could happen, that by the time I was a mother, I was always panicking. Making sure that my I kids were sleeping to the point that I stopped sleeping well when they were infants. It actually made me sick when I gave birth to my second child. I was afraid of that condition called SIDS. So I didn't sleep and would end up in the emergency room a few times because my levels were constantly off. Low potassium etc. I was also afraid someone would try to kidnap them. So I instilled in them this is what you should do if a stranger ever tries to bother you. However, that actually came in handy when my youngest was almost kidnapped. So where do we draw the line? How much fear is too much? 


We all try to do the best that we can with the knowledge that we have. I am using it as an example of how we pass this fear around to each other. When the father of my kids died, the first thing the mother of my ex said was, “make sure you keep a good eye on your youngest.” She was afraid something was going to happen to her. So we keep handing our fears to others. It is not intentional, however, if we were to focus more on what we say, think, and feel we would start realizing this. The minute someone reads the news and sees one thing happen it's, “oh my God did you read this? Now we have to be careful of this.” Or in the 80s it was poison in Tylenol etc. When does it end? Is all of this news real? Or just a tactic to keep us in a fear based consciousness state so that we won't notice our true, infinite potential? 


We live in times where it is so much safer than the past, it is a proven fact. However, it would not appear that way because of the widespread media. Did you know that the law of attraction says that roughly 1 percent of the population are extremely wealthy and really utilize their true talent and gifts. While the rest of us are struggling in this fear based consciousness and being controlled by the government. Let that sink in for a minute. The main purpose of this article is we get to pick and choose what we believe. So, with that said, you do not have to choose to pick up someone else's fears. Let it go. Next time you struggle with a fear, think of this:


It's not mine, I'm letting this go. 
