The Erin Story: Part 1


There's another story I want to tell and I haven't had the courage nor gumption to get it out of me.

This is the Erin story and, of course, only told from my point-of-view and mostly summarized to the best of my ability. This is perhaps the hardest for me to tell because it feels so personal. Not only did he let me down, he ruined me though this story. I think he hurt her too. I am not even sure she knows yet. He met her on some dating app. She is foreign, like many in Miami, and doesn't speak the best English. Colombian or Argintinian or something similar (I actually know where. I just don’t want to say, pretending I forgot feels easier).

For the record, I think I have mentally blocked out many details of her and him together.

She and him had a normal meeting and it soon turned physical, as most dating app meet-ups tend to do. She was immediately sexually submissive to him and he was definitely into it. He was doing things to and with her she had never done with any other partners. He told me how much he liked that, he liked that with me as well. He and I even had a few “firsts” together. Anyway, back to the story. She is a conservative-catholic type. She is also in her early 40s, I believe (a few years older than him). She never knew about me, at least not beyond I was his “BFF” (yes, he called me that, also his “bestie” ). Soon, I started calling her his “minion.” Anything he did, she wanted to do. He was (probably still is) an avid cyclist. He took her on a bike ride meet-up one time. Immediately, she bought a bike to ride with him, and I don't mean she went to Walmart and spent $100; she probably spent well over $1,000 between the bike and equipment. He went to Nerd Night meet-ups and she, of course, wanted to go. New Marvel movies came out, a huge interest of his and mine (I would sometimes refer to him as the Spider-Man to my MJ), she wanted to go and went googoo over his vast knowledge of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic universe). He once shared a story with me about how she was reading all these old graphic novels of his and she had no idea how big the world of comics were — how she was in awe of his knowledge of the X-Men. I think he named which X-Men she was most like and which he was most like (funny... I was never given an X-Men persona by him). He has tattoos of his family members and the super-hero they embody. His son — Spider-Man. Niece and nephew — Hulk. His sister — Daredevil. A Jedi Force Ghost for someone who had past away in his life. Super heroes were kind of a huge part of his life, how he relates to the world. I understood it. We have that “thing” that helps us manage day-to-day struggles. So…. this definitely hurt me knowing he and her were sharing this bond over which hero they wanted each other to embody. They also had this whole Maverick and Iceman thing about how each of them embodied bits of those persona’s into their bike rides together. Excuse me, I am going to go vomit now. Ok. Back to this story. I think I’m still pretty bitter about this.