PTSD Photography Project

These photos have been submitted by a member of the HER community. The story about her photography project is below.

Megan Nicole photography.

In high school, Istarted doing public projects every year for suicide prevention week. For twoyears, I did photography projects. The first was taken on my phone because mycamera was broken, but I was still determined to create for the cause.

The first year I did aphotography project, I interviewed women online and girls at school about theirmental illness and how they would depict it visually. I then tried my best tocreate that.

The first year was unintentionally all women because that's just who chose to speak to me when I went looking for people. That's why for the next year I decided to do all-male perspectives and a male model, and it was hard finding men to speak up, but I found them! I found so much shame from everyone who spoke to me but even more so from the men. I hope that the male project can help with some of the stigma and shame.

Both years I depicted sevenillnesses, for PTSD both years were specifically from sexual assault. Themodels are my dear friends Katie Hunter and Daniel Stearns. I don't want to saytoo much as I'd like the photos to speak for themselves, so here are the PTSDPhotographs of 2017 and 2018.

To learn more about Megan’s project, please visit her website here.