Comeback Kid


The abuse has scarred my body and mind.

I often feel alone because the whole world keeps going forward but I’m stuck in the past. Why can’t they remember what I’ll never forget? It hurts. It feels weird because I want to move on so badly but somehow it’s not working. I keep thinking about all the stuff that happened. And I can’t change it right now. It feels like I’m in a prison. I know someday I will break free. This prison is not my home. I know I will move on one day, but not yet. I still feel an extreme pain in my belly when I think about the abuse — and I think about it a lot. It’s not fair. Life is not fair.

Because I survived the abuse I know that I will survive the recovery. I can do this.

But after all, I believe that traumas can’t keep you captive forever. The years in which I’ve been abused are over now. I’m safe. And because I survived the abuse I know that I will survive the recovery. I can do this. Being a victim of abuse really knocked me down, but recovery is not about how many times you were knocked down. It’s about standing up and showing strength. I’m not done fighting yet. I will overcome my traumas because I’m a comeback kid. The scars will fade and I will rise.