Along the Beaten Path


Everyone has a story.

What matters most is how you allow the story of your past affect who you become in the future.Every life experience, whether it be positive or negative, has molded you into the person you see yourself as today. If you take a look in the mirror, a set of broken and defeated eyes may look back at you. But keep searching, look past that broken surface and go deeper until you are looking into your soul. You will find there is a magnificently strong soul staring back at you, telling you to keep fighting for who you are.

Nothing trying to block your path will stop you from rising above and conquering those obstacles and fears.

I know that even getting to the point of being able to look into your own soul can be a difficult and daunting journey. You will have to come face to face with the demons of your past, reliving all of the horrific experiences that you never thought you would survive or that you would be forever be stuck in the never ending circle. Talking about the darkness that once overtook your life can cause an incredible amount of anxiety and uneasiness. With this being said, I also believe that talking about your own experiences can help you work through your struggles and can show others that they can make it through their paths and obstacles.My story may be completely different than yours or maybe your story is very similar to mine. There could be certain aspects of my story that could help you through your difficult times or even to let you know you're not alone in trying to defeat the demons of your past experiences. And I would like to share the path I have been on, the darkness that consumed a stretch of my path and how it lead me to this brighter path that I am on today. And, I want to show you that you can triumph over the negative and be the amazing person you are meant to be.