Become HER


CONTRIBUTE: Do you have a story to tell? You don’t have to be a writer. We Are HER is looking for women to share their personal stories of sexual or domestic abuse or assault. HER is a community, and writers, video bloggers, and artists of any kind can come to HER to safely share their stories as a way to become HER: healed, empowered, and restored. Here are the expectations we hold our contributors to:

    • It must be your own personal story you share
    • Contribute as part of your own healing process and with an understanding that other women viewing your story will use it as a means to heal as well
    • Posts can be in any type of medium: podcasts, vlogs, blogs, poetry, etc
    • Change the name of anyone in your story, especially yourself and your abuser to protect yourself
    • Commitment! Contributors will speak with a staff member to receive a timeline that outlines their narrative and deadlines
    • Please be aware that stories may be edited for grammar and flow. Any other edits will be discussed with the writer before posting.
    • Understand that no matter the caliber of your abuse, your story is valuable. HER is a place of love and understanding for all women