We Are HER

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Unfollowing My Rapists on Instagram

When I️ saw him

It sent chills down my spine and made me look over my shoulder 

Made me sick to my stomach

Unable to breathe with the memories of how he touched me

I will never forget

Panic shoots through my veins

To have this feeling several times a week


So one by one I️ unfollowed them

And each unfollow 

Felt like a breathe of fresh air

I️ wonder why I️ didn't do this sooner

Simply because I️ didn't want to be rude

Well fuck rude I'm taking care of myself

I️ still see them sometimes on mutual friends profiles 

But I️ can handle that

That once in awhile panic

Because I️ have to

Because I️ always will

When I️ see, feel, smell, or hear things that remind me of them

When our mutuals speak of them

So I️ can handle the occasional post

Because i handle so much more every day

But the constant posts were too much

And now

I️ am a little bit lighter 

Than I️ was yesterday 
