We Are HER

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Becoming HER: S1E10 Meet Alana

Had it not been for his daughter, she thinks she would have left him a lot sooner—that little girl held a special place in her heart. And even though it didn’t take long for him to gain complete control over her life, she got away from him.


Becoming HER is a podcast by We Are HER — a nonprofit dedicated to providing community to survivors by helping them become Healed, Empowered, and Restored.

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Our show would not be possible without donations from listeners like you. You can help sponsor an episode here.

Host: Emily Kempe

Album Photography: Morgan Pearson morganleepearson.com

Album Artwork: Andrea Benson

Show Editing and Production: Auideo auideo.com

You can send your thoughts and questions to our host at emily@weareher.net.