We Are HER

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You Didn’t Die, but You Might as Well Have

You didn’t die, but you might as well haveSome nights I wished you were deadas I feverishly tossed and turned,couldn’t get you out of my headYou never went to jail, never did your timeI wonder what would have happenedif they made you pay for your crimeWould your cell mate have killed you?Would you have done it yourself?You killed the little girl in me,put her through fucking hellBut now you’re living your life,you’re unaffected day-to-daywhile I’m stuck in this bodytrying to keep demons at bayBecause you put them therewith every touch of your mouth,every fucked up caress-they’re screaming now to come outSometimes I wish the world knewhow you defiled me thenhow you’re only a monsterwho now lives among men