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Why I Didn't Report: Stories from Over 50 Survivors Across the Globe

In response to the backlash Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has received since sharing her story, survivors across the country are showing their support by telling others #WhyIDidntReport. We asked survivors on our Instagram on September 25 to share why they didn’t report. Here are answers from our followers across the globe.

He was my boyfriend and my family didn't want me to because of what people would think of me.

I don't know if I have the strength to. I don't know what this process looks like for me.

I was 15 and he was my boyfriend.

Because I was drunk and underage. It was easier to pretend it didn't happen.

Because when I told a friend they said it was because I'm a slag and lead people on.

People also called me a liar and said I wanted attention.

My rapist was younger than me so I felt people would think he wouldn't be capable of that.

I met a man online at 14. He stole my virginity and I was ashamed. He was 27. Ashamed till I was 30 years...

I didn't realize it was rape until years later, by the time I realized several years had passed.

I told a pastor who said "we both know you wanted that to happen." Pastors were infallible, I thought. I internalized it.

The first thing I was asked when I went to the hospital was how much I had to drink.

Because the guys ran away to another country, I heard. And no one would believe me.

I was 16 and scared. I was drinking and blamed myself because maybe it was my fault for being in that situation. 

I was scared of what he'd do when he found out it was me who reported. 

I was very young and thought my mother would say it was my fault. 

My own dad warned me about him. 

Because my father told me we didn't talk to people about what happened in our home. 

Because I was a child, and I was terrified my dad would kill him. 

(1st situation) Because I was married to him. (2nd situation) Because I was drunk and felt it was my own fault. I think I was drugged and didn't know who did it anyway. Full disclosure about situation 1, I was married to him to help him with his legal status. It happened repeatedly. I never told anyone. 

I was in a military leadership position and wanted to prevent being seen as weak or sexualized. 

I consented at first. I was older than he was. It wasn't violent as most rape cases are. I was drunk. 

I was 19; he was a husband and I didn't want to hurt the wife and whole family if I reported. 

I thought I was in love

Because I was drunk, playing strip poker, and we worked together. It didn't look good. 

I was in college and didn't know how to do it without ruining everything I worked for. 

Because even if I told my parents, they would think I'm making this up for attention as they are brothers.

He was my husband and in law enforcement. He promised to love and cherish yet didn't. He swore to.

Because I was an innocent child who was afraid to.

I blamed myself for it happening. I was embarrassed, scared, and ashamed.

Fear of no one believing me and scared he would hurt me more than he already had.

He was my friend and I was terrified. 

I don't want my mom to ever find out because it would destroy her.

I did! nothing happened. 

Because he was my brother.

After my screams being ignored from their force, I felt I lost my voice. I didn't talk much after. 

I was raised to believe that it's always a woman's fault, so I blamed myself.

Who would believe me...he was only 9.

Because I didn't realize it was happening at the time. It's too late now. 

Because I was scared he would take revenge which would bring even more trauma.

Because he is my brother.

I was confused and heartbroken. I was grieving a loss, but he took advantage of it.

Because I was only 7 and he convinced me it was my fault.

I felt like I led them on.

I was 5 and he threatened to kill me.

Because I thought I could let it go very easily... I didn't know that his actions were absolutely not okay. 

Because I was scared...he had me trapped and threatened to kill me. I was scared of what my family thinks (they aren't accepting). I was afraid of every guy and still am. I'm afraid of reliving it more than I have to. 

Because he is my stepfather. 

I was 15 and I didn't know how. And I thought since he was my boyfriend it couldn't be assault. 

I didn't know what happened to me was rape. 

It was my best friend's dad. She had cancer. I didn't want to take her dad away from her since she was so sick.

I blamed myself and was afraid to be called a liar. 

I was 10. He is my brother. I was the scapegoat and always got the blame for what he did. 

Because it was a month before I even accepted my worst fear had happened to me. 

I was embarrassed because it was how I lost my virginity. 

There were illegal substances. I thought I'd lose custody of my children. 

Because I didn't feel like it was valid because it never got as far as rape.

Because I was scared he will take revenge which would bring even more trauma.

*Users are kept anonymous. Submissions have been edited for grammar and spelling.