We Are HER

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She closed her eyes pretended to sleep and said, "It will all be over soon, I think"

Happy, smiley, beautiful girl
Sweet and kind, loving her world
Playing make believe and pretend
Making friends everywhere she went
There were no limits to her imagination
A life of color and beautiful creations

Until one day her mommy said
Daddy won't be back again
Her seven year old heart broke to pieces
She didn't understand "why'd he leave us?"

She checked the mail every birthday
For a card to show he's not away
She was empty handed every year
He really forgot and left her here

She longed for that special daddy bond
Someone to love her far beyond
Beyond anything she'd ever had
A protector and loving dad

One day her mom brought home
The man who she could call her own
The two married and he moved in
Things were as they should've been

Adding two brothers to her sister
A baby on the way, the family was bigger
Finally what she had always dreamed
A family, it was perfect it seemed

The new man she loved just like a dad
Like he's the one she always had
Happy again her heart was full
Skipping, laughing, not a moment dull

Three brothers, two sisters so close
And the dad she had wanted most
She grew very close to her stepfather
That special bond with a daughter

One night she lie asleep in her bed
Dreaming of all the good things ahead
She awoke in his arms taking her away
"Where are we going?" He didn't say

To the basement he carried her down
Like a dead dog lying on the ground
Scared, confused, bruised, and naked
Eleven years old her purity taken

"Is this the way it's supposed to be?"
"No one has ever done this to me."
She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep
"It will all be over soon I think"

Once finished he took her upstairs
And laid her to bed like nobody cares
That was only the beginning of her horror
A nightly routine for two more years

Dirty, guilty, hurt and confused
Trying to make sense she self accused
"Did I help him cheat on my mom?"
"How will she feel? This is so wrong"

After two years enduring alone
She told her mom what he had done
"Will she be mad at me?" She thought
"She'll save me from this hell he brought"

But when her mother heard these words
She dismissed them, it's too absurd
"What do you want me to do?" She asked
The 12 year old sat there all aghast

Only a child, how was she to choose
For the man who raped her and abused
A Christian home is all forgiving
No sin too big for the God all seeing

"Forgive and forget" was the lesson taught
Forgive she tried, but forget could not
Quiet, sad, depressed little girl
Cold, untrusting, hating this world

He was still living in her home
No place to turn, she was all alone
Scolded by mom, not calling him dad
"Be grateful for the life you have
Go put on your Sunday best
We're going to church, we're so blessed"

"I don't want to go, I don't feel good"
The girl told her mom as she stood
"Don't be such a selfish brat
You're going and that is that"

In high school she grew very ill
Anxiety, depression growing still
Can't gain weight, she's too thin
Sickness growing from within

Unbearable aches and body pains
The doctors all could not explain
Always home sick from school
Just a shadow of that little girl

The "sick kid" she was called
By kids at school she never saw
Dead inside and so closed off
She withdrew and didn't talk

Two times more she went to mother
Told the actions of stepfather
There she was told she cannot say
She'd turn the entire family away

Her mother looked at her and said
"It's on you when grandma's dead"
Twelve years after her attacks
She decided to get back

Twelve years of him in her home
Twenty four years all alone
Finally justice for what he had done
In handcuffs, he was taken to prison

Although he was locked away
She had more she had to say
Goodbyes to those who try to hurt
Finally, her health was first

Free of those like cancer to the brain
She was left all alone again
Only her sister and husband to love
Seems small, but more than enough

She started her path to a better self
No more sickness only health
Happy, loving, accepting, kind
This girl is strong with a powerful mind

Married to a beautiful man
Loves her and understands
Soft, gentle, kind, and true
A love before she never knew

Sister, new brother, and nephew too
A heart full of love that is so true
Friends who are always there
Have her back and really care

Now, at twenty nine years old
Stronger than ever, fierce and bold
There are no limits to her imagination
A life of color and beautiful creations