We Are HER

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My Best Friend Raped Me

My life changed on January 8, 2011, when my best friend raped me.

It was a normal night hanging out with friends. We had been drinking a little and with my recent breakup with my fiancé, I drank way more than I should have. I later found myself passed out on the floor.

Luckily, my friends picked me up and put me to bed. One friend, John, stayed behind letting everyone know that he would "take care of me" while everyone else went to the other room and watched a movie.

He stayed in the room with me. I cannot tell you what he did as I was unconscious through all of it. One of my friends walked in while John was sexually assaulting me but thought it was consensual, so he did nothing. When John was finished, he walked out and left the apartment.

After he left, my friends came into the bedroom to tell me what they thought I had done. It took them a few minutes to wake me and when they did, they told me that I had had sex with John. I looked at them with fear in my eyes because I had no idea what they were talking about. I looked down and realized I wasn't wearing any underwear and that I was wearing different shorts then when I had passed out. It was that moment that I realized something was not right, and I had been raped by my best friend.

After realizing what had happened, my friends immediately called the police and a few of them went to John's house to make sure he stayed there until the police arrived. While I was waiting on the police to show, all I could think about was why me and how could my best friend betray me like this?

It has taken me a very long time to heal from that night and honestly, I am still working on it. Trust does not come easily to me now because of him. It's a constant reminder that sometimes you may think you know somebody but, in all actuality, maybe you never really did.