We Are HER

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Meet Shay Huff: A True #BossBabe

Ready to learn about a true #bossbabe who inspires other women to feel empowered?

Meet Shay Huff of WEM Consulting. She is a public speaker, a yoga instructor, and—most significantly—a women’s empowerment coach. After going through some major life changes (that we’re going to discuss below), Shay decided that she wanted to create a business to help empower women. On August 4, 2018 at 9 AM CST, We Are HER is partnering with Shay for a webinar on vulnerability. For some time, Shay thought that being vulnerable was a sign of weakness and wanted to be seen as a woman who could hold it all together. But over the years, she realized that our vulnerability can be a huge asset if we allow it to be. Here’s a quick Q&A we did with Shay! HER: What do you hope people take away from this Webinar with We Are HER?Shay: I sincerely hope they walk away from this Webinar with a little more courage than they had before to be really curious about who they are. That’s always my ultimate goal. I want them to ask themselves, “who am I, truly? And how do I share the gift that is me with the world?” I’m also hoping they’ll come away realizing just how much us humans are connected and how we have the power to uplift and empower not only ourselves, but one another as well.H: Speaking of uplifting moments, tell us one challenge you overcame in life and how that made you the person you are today.S: I think one of the biggest challenges I’ve overcome—and at times I am still overcoming—is learning to deal with fear. I spent a large amount of my life living in constant fear of everything and everyone, myself included. I feared alway being unhappy, always living in chaos, always feeling like I was never enough as I was. I was afraid I’d never find love and would never find my purpose in life. I realized that if I wanted a different life, if I wanted to believe I deserved a different life, I had to start believing something different about myself; that I was worthy of such.H: What advice would you give someone who feels similar to how you felt? S: I want them to know that we are never truly alone and if you’re willing to be brave with the right people, it pays off tenfold. We’ll for sure talk more about being choosy about who we share ourselves with during the Webinar on August 4th, so stay tuned for that. H: Excellent advice! And you own your own business...tell us how you started WEM Consulting? S:I feel that being able to hold space for safe self-exploration is something I have a true gift and passion for. I want women and girls to know you can be both enough as you are a work in progress at the same time. H: How’s your experience with consulting been? S: I’m finding that there’s always something new to learn and that the opportunities for being humbled are plentiful. I’ve definitely skinned my knees a few times. I expected that will continue to happen and I very much look forward to it. Being able to show up for other women makes it all worth it.H: What’s your best piece of advice for someone who wants a job like yours? S: Never be afraid to ask for help. Seriously. You can’t be all things and you really don’t need to be.Whenever you need it and even when you think you don’t. Get yourself a mentor if it feels right. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.H: What are some concepts that you talk about when coaching? S: You know self-curiosity is a hefty topic, because where do you even start? My experience has been that without being able to separate your own beliefs from that of society’s you will never know who you really are. So that’s where we start – by delving into the process of identifying what our own beliefs are versus what we’ve been conditioned to believe. I will say though, that when it comes to coaching, the client always is and should always be in the driver’s seat. I get to ride shotgun and ask some questions that can definitely be uncomfortable. H: What do you focus on when coaching?S: My main focus is to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.  My coaching is foundational. We are laying groundwork for you to set yourself up for success. But you do need to find value in what I do in order to reap the full benefits.

We are so honored to work with Shay for HER’s first Webinar. To learn more about Shay and what she does, visit her website and make sure you tune in the webinar on Vulnerability on August 4 at 9 AM CST.

-written by Bella Glazer. HER's 2018 summer intern.