We Are HER

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For All Survivors

For all survivors,

to all the;










You took our innocence, the uninfluenced way we look at the world.

You took our self-esteem, the way we perceive ourselves.

You took our faith, the positive drive to keep moving on.

You took our youth, the start of an unconcerned life.


You made us feel unworthy.

You made us feel alone.

You made us feel lost.

You made us feel broken.


You decided our friends.

You decided our mood.

You decided our clothes.

You decided our activities.


All those things were TAKEN, all those things you made us FEEL and all those things you DECIDED for us…. But you never won.



You couldn’t take our strength, buried deep inside.

You couldn’t take our identity, we will always be a human.

You couldn’t take our body’s, they were made for us.


You couldn’t make us feel unfixable, because we aren’t.

You couldn’t make us feel weak, because we aren’t.

You couldn’t make us feel fireless, because we aren’t.


You couldn’t decide the thoughts we were thinking.

You couldn’t decide about the fire within us.

You couldn’t decide the choices we eventually made.


Everything you did was in order to unable us but you forgot one thing.

We still have a SOUL. We still are a PERSON and we were NEVER ALONE!


You will be able to make us feel broken but we will never actually BREAK…

Because we are HER!