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7 Things Depression Loves About You

Depression loves when you isolate. 

Depression loves when you tell yourself you're worthless. 

Depression wants you to be alone because when you're alone, you have lots of time to think about how shitty everything is. 

Depression wants you to stop doing things you once loved in favor of sitting at home.  This way, it can zap your energy and make it even harder to do things. It becomes a cycle. 

Depression loves when you don't talk to your loved ones about it. It loves when you believe it when it tells you you're a burden. This way, it has you all to itself. You believe everything it says because you have no outside perspective. 

Depression loves when you say "therapy won't help me." It keeps you hopeless, and that hopelessness is what feeds it. 

And worst of all, depression can trick you into believing life isn't worth living anymore. It'll tell you the only way to end the pain is suicide. And since there's no outside perspective, maybe you start to believe it. 

Take care of yourself.  Find something that works for you. It's hard to accept, but you're the only one who can do it.